Saturday, September 12, 2009



One day while working out (jogging) down the street I had a very deep, but basic thought. I was wondering why some people are gifted. I mean look at these gifted individuals:

Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, Prince, Janet Jackson, the white guy with the Afro Bob Ross that paints masterpeice wilderness paintings on PBS, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Lopez, Bruce Lee, Stevie Wonder.....

....and the list goes on and on. However, all of these individuals were/are SUPERB talented ppl. They possess(ed) talent that led them to the top. The wealth they have gathered from their talents is by far more money than I have ever seen. However, what makes these people any different than you or me? The answer: Nothing!

The thought I had while jogging was that I possess talents as well. However, I am not a millionaire. I am not on prime time television in front of millions of viewers. I do not have thousands of fans screamin my name. Albeit I do not have these things- I still possess talents.

I think everyone has talents, but it is up to use to determine what these talents are. Our gifts are predetermined- we cannot force them into being. It takes a patience and knowledge of one's self to know what your talents are. The taletn is the tool of life. It is the tool that will shape not only our life, but others as well. A tool can only be beneficial with work. It has no use without working/ action being put into place. With action the tool is useful- however with passion the tool becomes a talent. It is the passion which allows people to unite with this talent.

I know we have all seen/been around people that sit around all day doing nothing- not doing any work or exercising any passion. These individuals do not even attempt to explore their talents. Then there are others that go to college to better themselves and learn a craft in which they can build a future on. Sometimes this education is beneficial- sometimes it is not. Not everyone that goes to college is successful after graduation- why? Perhaps they have not discovered (for themselves) their tools of life to make them successful or maybe they possess a tool that is lacking the passion to create a talent.

Anything can be built with the right tool. A successful life can be made with the knowledge of the tools we can use to our benefit. Not everyone has the tools/ talents of a Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan- but we do have a TOOL. We ALL have the basics to build something successful in our life. We may not be living a lavish lifestyle, but GOD has given us all the ability to perform and share a gift with others. One persons tool could be in producing music- but without the talent of a singer they have no way to share the talent of production. A person can possess all the colors of a paint pallette, but with the wrong paint brush fail to make a successful painting. With the right tools and passion we get the Mona Lisa.

What is your gift/tool of Life?

Not all gifts are visibleat first glance- not all gifts are easy to find, but they are out there and are given to us by GOD. How else do you explain:

A blind man playing the piano- a child from the ghetto becoming a full circuit judge- an illiterate high school drop out becoming a mega music star- an immigrant from japan becoming a national icon in the field of martial arts

All of the above had obstacles and yet managed to find their talents and use these tools to leap forward to new dimensions. I am not saying we all have the ability to have a talent to make us millionaires, but we do all have the ability to become more than what we sometimes imagine. Some tools are not in the public eye, but may boost others to new levels. The social workers, teachers, and mentors are examples. We may not see the positive results of these individual passions, but the talents and tools they possess can definitely have positive effects on others and they talents.

Keep thinking in a positive manner and success/happiness is bound to happen. Never allow others to decide what your talents are or lacking. Find yourself , create a passion, and believe that what you have set into motion is what is destiny in the making.

Without passion there is no hope.

I could continue going on and on..but I hope the readers of this have heard what I am saying and get the gist of never letting yourself fall prey to failure and negativity.

*The less we talk- the more we hear! Peace

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